You have known well, that I adore you so bad.
You have known very well too, how I love to-be-actively-attractive-involved in your crossword games or another puzzle of life.
but, very not now.
just save your very warm-hearted.
because I will argue
do you remember?
that I never asked to be Cinderella?
who get her fragile-shoes and limited-night-hang out-time before 12 o'clock,
just to make sure that she is still Princess, at least?
do you remember, too?
that I never asked to have a friendly-relationship with Cupids?
yeah. The Love Angels with their arbitrarily arrows shoot a Man to be my Mate.
for God's Sake. I'm not such deeply-madly-desperately-famine in finding Mate.
well.. okay! maybe sometimes I just need he—The Mate, suddenly shows up.
but, passion for being Solitude is another fascinating kind of Social Life that attract me more.
then, just so you know.
I never asked to be Justin Bieber, too.
who has been planned to be born as the famous one.
which many girls are ready dying to marry him.
or.. at least being together with him in a photo-frame.
believe me, Fate.
I'm not the person who lives for glamorous-celebrity-quiz-wanna-be.
I don't need your glitters to make me shining in to that way.
I'll shine with my own brain and heart.
so, Fate.
talk about brain and heart.
I never asked to be as brilliant as Einstein or as kind-hearted as Mother Theresa.
*though I won't refuse if you make me live as amaze as them.*
but... why are you so cruel with this part?
are you happy to see me talking with those plants?
just wishing every single day that they will grow up nicely?
are you happy to watch Time is about to devour me into pieces?
just because I can't make this research sees the finish line.
oh Fate... you are so damn good!
but, trust me. I will persevere.
I still have almost-normal Brain,
loathe efforts and lot of prays in my pocket.
be good there.
because, I am your very catastrophic enemy.

P.S: write me back after you get this letter.
P.P.S: I forgive myself for being so enthusiastic to you—The Fate, due to progressive monthly syndrome.
3 komentar:
waduuuh suratnya buat takdir oq piye...
trs balesannya gimana mb?hehehe
surat retoris yang tidak memerlukan jawaban
jadi pengen nulis kaya begini ahh...xixixiii
*dilempar sendal hehehe
OMG, deeply sadness one?LOL
haahha, Dunno to coment. Read this one at 03.35.am just make me wanna laugh, but anyway..
Nice letter one, :P
@maiank,, balesannya? hmm Takdir sedang main petak umpet. jawabannya suruh nemuin sendiri #sigh -_-'
@Asrarudin,, thank you :D
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